At the beginning of 2020, you were ready to change things, to change your management strategy for your teams. Give them more responsibilities, more tasks so that they all become without exception autonomous, enterprising and efficient actors and key to the success of the company. Unfortunately, the beginning of the pandemic has shaken up your projects, with a much faster implementation than expected. As a result, the changes in working methods were speedily introduced and now you feel overwhelmed by the subsequent events. But rest assured that the future of work is already mapped out, and here is what you need to know.
These four blocks already exist in today’s world. Nevertheless, they will face each other all the more in the future, creating future changes in the world of work.
Systemic risks clearly include all the « vectors of economic crisis » that impact both the collective (companies, families, institutions, the environment) and the individual. Long before the pandemic began, these risks already existed in society. For example: In 2008, the collapse of the Lehman Brothers bank almost destroyed the global financial system.
Automation has already facilitated, if not replaced, many of the jobs previously performed by humans. In 2030, 80% of jobs will be automated. A choice, made by companies for several reasons: machines do better, faster and with a very low failure rate. This is why artificial intelligence is increasingly replacing the tasks we perform on a daily basis.
Within a company, data collection is omnipresent. This data is all the more present in your human relations management system: you can track the activity of an employee and his level of performance in real time. The management and analysis of all data is, and will be, an important lever to manage your teams but also to recruit new employees.
« The customer is king » will soon give way to a whole new dogma: « The employee is king ». Indeed, today employees have a multitude of levers to overturn traditional hierarchical codes. Today, the well-being of the teams is essential to ensure your image with your customers, your future employees or your services/products.
These 4 factors do not interact independently of each other but collide in the face of the organization of a company. Covid-19 has unfortunately highlighted the consequences of these elements, and this in all sectors.
For example, the giant Amazon has been called to order on the working conditions of employees and the lack of decision-making with regard to worker’s health monitoring. It has been the same in recent years with the fast fashion industry since the collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, which had revealed disastrous working conditions, and led to the decline in the turnover of giants like H&M or Zara.
To overcome these new constraints, multiple tools will allow you to develop the resilience of your company.
Ensuring that its work environment is safe and meets its employees’ expectations is essential for a company. Happy employees on a daily basis strengthens bonds within the team but also reinforces the sense of belonging in the company. As a result, in the event of a major crisis, they will be much more understanding of a situation, with an attitude more focused on empathy and/or commitment to finding a solution.
Whether it is data collected on behaviors or the pace of work, it is this key information that will highlight the health of the company. Indeed, about 90% of employees would agree that internal departments use their personal data but only for the purpose of gaining more benefits later. Once earned, a relationship of trust can allow the company to grow up to 6% each year.
The development of new technologies is inevitable for the future of work. That is why it is important to train your employees on digital and minimize people who are plagued by digital illiteracy. Supporting your employees on more efficient working methods will allow them to really include these emerging technologies in their daily lives. As a result, your employees gain experience, productivity and develop new capabilities that are beneficial to the growth of the company.
Finally, as a leader you need to develop foolproof leadership. Indeed, in the first weeks of the beginning of the pandemic, only 48% of American employees announced that they had complete confidence in their bosses and in the solutions proposed by the latter. A low figure reveals that few leaders carry that solution-orientated mindset, and do not reassure their teams. In a company, when
these 4 factors collide, employees are uncertain; this results in a bad EX (Employee Experience).
Now you know the ways to safeguard your business against future vagaries of work.
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