We are pleased to announce our new partnership with Coorpacademy! Coorpacademy enriches its training catalog by providing mandarine Academy content as part of its new training package: Team, specially designed for startups and SMEs. Who is Mandarine Academy? Specialized in
Toute l’équipe de Mandarine Academy vous souhaite ses meilleurs vœux pour 2022 ! 🥳 L’année 2021 vient de toucher à sa fin et beaucoup d’entre nous sont impatients de savoir ce que 2022 nous réserve. Laurent Maurer, PDG de Mandarine Academy,
For about fifteen years now, we have been facing an increase in the presence of digital technology in our daily lives. Today, it has become common to use the Internet to make medical appointments or conduct administrative procedures. This digitalization
Changer une habitude ancrée dans votre quotidien est loin d’être une tâche facile. Imaginez maintenant, avec le recours au télétravail, de changer non seulement votre organisation mais aussi vos habitudes de travail. Le désastre, non ? Avant la pandémie, peu
According to a barometer recently published by the French Ministry of the Economy, SMEs and very small enterprises (VSEs) in France have made progress in terms of digitalization compared to pre-Covid-19 crisis trends: Two-thirds (66%) of the 2,796 companies with less
Hybrid work is a form of work organization where employees divide their time between the office and home. This mode of organization has already existed for several years, but it has been strengthened with the health crisis. Companies then had